Holiday & Summer Time Crafts for Kids

  • By: The DIG for Kids
  • Time to read: 3 min.
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The long, hot days of summer mean hours of crafty fun under the sun! With weeks of school holidays and lots of family fun on the annual holiday together, there’s plenty of inspiration for numerous crafts for kids.

Summer Journal

Summer holidays are some of the most precious memories of childhood. It’s a great chance to keep a summer journal. In the years to come, it’ll be a constant reminder of all the family fun you’ve enjoyed and the perfect showcase for crafts for kids.

The best start for their journal is with a loose leaf file. Pick a plain file and get the children to decorate it with foam letters to pick out their names, stickers and cut-outs relevant to their summer holidays.

Now it’s time for the kids to get going on their summer diaries. Arm your child with an inexpensive disposable camera. Even really young children will surprise you with their photographs, although they may need a little more supervision. Make sure you issue the kids a quota of photos, otherwise they’ll use the entire camera on the first day. This is a lovely way to see how your child observes things and find out which things have made the biggest impression on them.

Fill the diary pages with photos, admission tickets, visitor leaflets, poems, drawings and stories.

Sand Pictures

After a visit to the beach, recreate the scene with sand pictures. A good pasting of PVA glue will create the shore, along with blue cellophane or tissue paper for the sea. It may be difficult to glue shells to your picture, so for a striking 3D effect – get the kids to use some plasticine balls instead. Finish with tissue seaweed and some colourful parasols cut from felt.

You can also make beach models using everything they have found at the beach. As your base, choose a shallow baking dish. Fill half the tray with sand for the shore line. The other half will be the sea, this could be made from blue cellophane, foil or wisps of blue fabric. Now add play dough figures, shells, seaweed, empty crab shells and anything else of interest they have found on your visit to the beach.

Summer Sun

Hopefully, the sun will smile on you all summer. So, in tribute to the sun, have a go at this easy craft.

Start by painting a paper plate gold or sunny yellow. Now draw around lots of hands and cut all the shapes out. Colour the hand-shapes in different shades of yellow, orange, red and gold. Attach the hands all around the plate to make beautiful sun rays. Finally, give the summer sun a face!

You could make a striking summer mobile by making several suns with different features and expressions. Suspend the suns from a mobile frame. Make this by fixing and balancing two to four pieces of rod and hanging chains of paper clips to suspend the suns.

Summer holidays are precious and happy days, so mark them with lovely crafts for kids and quality times together.

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