Children and Encopresis

Parents and child-carers will recognise the difficult situation that can occur when a child soils his or herself, and will know that accidents do happen occasionally even in older children,…

How To Be A Good Babysitter

There is an art to being a good babysitter. This, believe it or not, does not involve cans of lager and you and your boyfriend on the sofa. If you…

When Friends’ Children Misbehave

There is an unspoken rule that you cannot tell off your friends’ children. Rather like criticising someone’s choice of job or partner, the naughtiness of their children is a sensitive…

Home Behaviour Policies

It is up to parents to establish the standards that they expect their children to adhere to. By teaching children to behave in positive appropriate ways, parents can establish households…

Behavioural Problems and Education

Many times, behavioural problems are first brought to the attention of parents by teachers or school officials. Children who are easily distracted, unwilling or unable to cooperate with school rules,…

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Unlike traditional psychotherapy which can take years, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is specific-goal oriented, with positive results often beginning rather quickly. CBT places emphasis on the role that thoughts play…

Support for Children With Behavioural Problems

All children have the same basic needs – beyond food and shelter all kids need to be surrounded by loving, supportive people who are dedicated to their welfare and healthy…

Gaining Respect From Your Child

All parents want to be respected by their children, but true respect is something that is earned over time. Most children love their parents and will continue to do so…

Household Routines

Children benefit in a number of ways from having well established routines. Families are often very busy these days with children and parents going about in several directions to meet…