Introducing Children to Your New Partner

Introducing children to your new partner might seem like a monumental task, but in reality it’s best to take it slow and in a number of small steps. The timing,…

When Your Child’s Friends Become Enemies

Nothing sends a parent’s heart soaring like a child making a new friend, and nothing can send it crashing like a child’s friend becoming an enemy. It may seem like…

Quiz: is Your Child Happy at School?

Every parent hopes their children are happy at school, but few can be absolutely sure of it every day of the school year. Talking with your child, observing your child,…

Quiz: How Well Do You Handle Temper Tantrums?

Watching a child descend into screaming, wailing and lashing out is no fun for anyone, but as a parent it is always your responsibility to deal with your Children’s Temper…

How do I approach my Friend About Her Children?

This must be a frustrating situation, so take a deep breath. Count to ten. Then, remind yourself that you are living in your friends’ house. The bad news is that…

Eliminating Opportunities for Inappropriate Behaviour

Kids very often turn to inappropriate behaviour for one of a few main reasons: they are bored, they are tired, they are hungry, they want attention or they are unable…

Channelling Energy Towards Good Behaviour

When kids are bouncing off the walls with energy it can seem like one false step will bring on the worst possible behaviour. But just because children have some excess…

Curbing Inappropriate Behaviour

Parents may never know why their kids’ behaviour is the way it is, but there are ways that parents can curb inappropriate behaviour from their children. Discussing appropriate behaviour, describing…

Free Rewards for Good Behaviour

Offering kids rewards for good behaviour is one way to help children connect making appropriate choices with positive outcomes. If you are thinking of offering your kids rewards for their…