Children and Head Banging

Head banging or a child’s repeated action of banging his/her head (usually against a wall) may be hard for parents to watch, but children often engage in this behaviour to…

Children and Nail Biting

Nail biting is primarily a nervous habit in children. Much like thumb sucking or carrying around a favourite toy, nail biting provides children with a sense of comfort that allows…

Children and Pinching

Children may begin to pinch others around their first birthdays and continue on through the “terrible twos” until the behaviour naturally dies out around their third birthdays. Though adults interpret…

Children and Biting

Many children go through a biting phase, often related to teething when they are young but sometimes due to aggression when they are older. Whatever the cause, biting is not…

Discipline Versus Punishment

When children misbehave it can be very difficult to think of anything other than making them stop. For many children this means punishing a child, such as by taking away…

Children and Hitting

Children may hit others for a variety of reasons in order to gain attention and possibly even to self-soothe. Adults should take note of when and where children tend to…

Children and Stealing

It is very common for children who have not yet reached school age to steal, mainly because children do not understand that concept of private property at such a young…

Tips For Helping Kids Adjust To Change

Whether it’s a new home, new school, new class or new baby, changes can affect children in many different ways. Some children become sullen, some children begin to act out,…

Encouraging Co-Operation From Your Children

Though children love to showcase their talents and each new skill that they learn, it can be much harder to get to children to use these abilities to help others….