
Communicating With Children

Communicating with children requires certain skills. Parents must remember that children are still learning and developing so being able to communicate with them on their own level is imperative. In…

Positive and Negative Reinforcement for Good Behaviour

Children will always need guidance in good behaviour, and it is a parent’s duty to provide this guidance. Parents can model good behaviour and discuss with their children what constitutes…

When Your Child’s Friends Become Enemies

Nothing sends a parent’s heart soaring like a child making a new friend, and nothing can send it crashing like a child’s friend becoming an enemy. It may seem like…

Children and Household Chores

Requiring children to complete household chores is a good way to instil the discipline and responsibility of a routine along with teaching respect for people, places and things. Your child…

Helping Your Child Make Friends

Having friends is an important part of children’s health and development. Interacting with friends allows children to learn about relationships, compromise, social norms, decision-making and more. Having friends also allows…

Activities to Encourage Social Interaction

There may be many reasons a child does not feel like interacting socially. The child may be shy, tired, uncomfortable in a new environment, hungry, feeling left out by the…

Encouraging Co-Operation From Your Children

Though children love to showcase their talents and each new skill that they learn, it can be much harder to get to children to use these abilities to help others….

Discipline Versus Punishment

When children misbehave it can be very difficult to think of anything other than making them stop. For many children this means punishing a child, such as by taking away…

Smacking and Children

“Smacking” is a commonly accepted term for the (light) hitting of children in the name of discipline. Many parents smack their children with the belief that it will deter them…