Encouraging Good Behaviour

Top Tips for Working as a Team to Encourage Good Behaviour

There is no right way or wrong way to raise your children. Everyone has a different style and idea of what works with their own children and that is why…

How Much Time Do You Spend Together as a Family?

We all start out with great intentions each week that we will spend more time together as a family, and less time worrying out money, our jobs and how clean…

Modelling Good Behaviour

Parents may not always realise how much their children look up to them, and this is particularly true of young children who learn to copy their parents’ behaviour. Without even…

Beat the Clock to Good Behaviour

Children who misbehave often do so because they see it as an option more fun than the good behaviour their parents are trying to teach them. To combat this, parents…

Inexpensive Rewards for Good Behaviour

Children who receive rewards for good behaviour make the connection early on between acting appropriately and gaining a good outcome. However, if rewards are used too often, they can become…

Free Rewards for Good Behaviour

Offering kids rewards for good behaviour is one way to help children connect making appropriate choices with positive outcomes. If you are thinking of offering your kids rewards for their…

Curbing Inappropriate Behaviour

Parents may never know why their kids’ behaviour is the way it is, but there are ways that parents can curb inappropriate behaviour from their children. Discussing appropriate behaviour, describing…

Channelling Energy Towards Good Behaviour

When kids are bouncing off the walls with energy it can seem like one false step will bring on the worst possible behaviour. But just because children have some excess…

Eliminating Opportunities for Inappropriate Behaviour

Kids very often turn to inappropriate behaviour for one of a few main reasons: they are bored, they are tired, they are hungry, they want attention or they are unable…