
Hosting Successful Play Dates

In the past children may have run in and out of each other’s houses all day long but in today’s world official arrangements are much more common. These scheduled activities…

When Your Child Begins to Bully

Being bullied can make a child’s life a nightmare, but being the parent of a bully can be just as difficult as being the parent of a victim of bullying….

Supervising Teenagers in Your Home

Supervising teenagers in your home may sound like an easy task but it can be fraught with privacy, relationship and friendship issues. Don’t allow any of these things to keep…

Encouraging Academic Responsibility

All parents want their children to be voracious learners and do well in school but it seems that academic success comes easier for some children than it does for others….

Distracting Children When Misbehaving

Kids sometimes misbehave, it’s just a fact of life. Parents have a number of options available to them to guide and control their children’s behaviour, with many choosing to distract…

Using ‘Time Out’ as a Punishment

Today’s parents are almost universally familiar with the concept of a “time out” as a disciplinary technique, with most finding it to be quite effective in teaching kids to learn…

Positive and Negative Reinforcement for Good Behaviour

Children will always need guidance in good behaviour, and it is a parent’s duty to provide this guidance. Parents can model good behaviour and discuss with their children what constitutes…

When Your Child’s Friends Become Enemies

Nothing sends a parent’s heart soaring like a child making a new friend, and nothing can send it crashing like a child’s friend becoming an enemy. It may seem like…

Children and Household Chores

Requiring children to complete household chores is a good way to instil the discipline and responsibility of a routine along with teaching respect for people, places and things. Your child…