Behavioural Problems

Why Does My Toddler Hate Me? | 9 Reasons

The toddler phase is a time of dependence, communication, and curiosity. It can be a fascinating time as your child starts to develop precisely who they want to be and…

Single Parenting: Child Behaviour and the Home

If you have been living as a family, and a couple, then you’ll have been used to dividing up all household chores and duties. However, now you are on your…

Your Child’s Behaviour and Relationship Problems

The way that your children behave will change if you are experiencing relationship problems, and it is vital to recognise this early on so that measures can be put in…

Children and Encopresis

Parents and child-carers will recognise the difficult situation that can occur when a child soils his or herself, and will know that accidents do happen occasionally even in older children,…

Children and Self-Harm

Self harming may be one of the hardest behaviours for people to understand, but many children participate in various means of self harm, including cutting, burning, hair pulling and self-poisoning….

Children and Thumb Sucking

When babies find their thumbs for the very first time, popping them into their mouths, parents are likely to grab their cameras to take a shot of the happy moment….

Children and Swearing

Kids are increasingly using language that adults may find objectionable especially when it comes from the mouths of children. Overall, society has taken a more relaxed attitude about swearing than…

Children and Whining

Whining sometimes comes naturally to children, much to the chagrin of most parents. Having to hear complaints, particularly when they are drawn out in a high pitched voice, accompanied by…

Children and Sleep Disruptions

Sleep disruptions are incredibly common in children, which is unfortunate because sleep is important for growing kids. Not only do children lead active lives and need time to rest and…