Kids Behaviour

Tips For Helping Kids Adjust To Change

Whether it’s a new home, new school, new class or new baby, changes can affect children in many different ways. Some children become sullen, some children begin to act out,…

Children and Public Temper Tantrums

Children throw temper tantrums as a way to express the pent-up anger frustration and sometimes even fear that they are not always able to verbalise. Not all children throw temper…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder in which a child’s behaviour is largely characterised by inattention hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is thought that ADHD affects approximately 5% of…

Children and Breath Holding

At some time most children get the bright idea that holding their breath will force their parents to give them something that they want. Usually these threats are harmless and…

Conduct Disorder (CD)

Conduct Disorder (CD) is a disruptive type of behavioural disorder in which a child routinely violates the personal rights of others and shows no care for others’ property. CD is…

Children and Aggressive Outbursts

Children tend to show natural aggression beginning around their second birthday. The “terrible twos” are brewing at this point and children have developed to the point where not only do…

Child Anxiety Disorders

In the modern world children are subjected to a variety of stressors each day and often children are unable to adequately cope with the stress and anxieties that fill their…

Adjustment Disorders

An adjustment disorder is an extraordinary emotional reaction to a difficult event. In children these events may include the death of a loved one, parental divorce, being sent to boarding…

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can develop in children after they have lived through a particularly traumatic event. These events include natural disasters, violent crimes, rape and sexual assault, transportation…