
All About Highchair Safety

Highchairs are one of the essential pieces of equipment for young children, offering a functional, practical and fun way of eating a meal. But as with other forms of baby…

Adding Solid Foods to Baby’s Diet

Introducing solid food to your baby’s diet, or weaning, is recommended by the time your baby is six months old. Up until that point, your baby will be getting all…

Transitioning to Cow’s Milk

For a baby’s first year, breast milk or commercially prepared baby formula that is used in bottle feeding is the primary source of nutrition. Most babies begin Eating Solid Food…

Vegetarian Diet for Children

Studies support the notion that a well-chosen vegetarian diet can be very healthy for adults, but what about children? Can a diet free of animal products provide all of the…

Healthy Food Choices for Kids

Left to their own devices, kids will likely eat what’s easy. So, in order to help them to consume a healthy, balanced diet, try to stock a variety of good-for-them…

Microwave Oven Safety

Your baby is screaming for her bottle so you pop a bottle of milk in the microwave and 50 seconds later the bottle is delivered, the screaming stops and both…

Hazardous Cleaning Products

If I said to you “name something which produces these symptoms” and then said “Lung and skin irritant. If mixed with chorine, releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to chloramine…

Food Labelling: What Food is Safe for Children?

If you want to know what you’re buying, then be reassured that in some cases the names of foods we buy, such as chocolate or orange juice, are protected by…

Feeding Your Toddler a Healthly Diet

Once you are past the baby food stage, feeding your toddler can become a bit tricky. Kids at that age are becoming more independent, but teaching them to enjoy a…