Safe Kids

How to Spot if your Child is Unhappy at School

A child will not necessarily walk up to a parent and tell him or her that they’re unhappy at school. Instead, parents should watch out for a variety of signs…

Helping your Child Settle into a New School

One of the biggest events in a child’s life is moving schools. For some children, this can often be quite an ordeal, especailly if they are making the Transition From…

What to do if your Child is Playing Truant

A child may play truant for a variety of reasons, but parents must remember that there is never a good reason for their child to miss out on their education….

The Transition from Primary to Secondary School.

A child’s transition from primary school to secondary school might very well affect the entire family. This is an exhilarating yet also frightening and frustrating time for a typical child,…

Health and Safety Regulations For Kids

We’ve seen the stories on television and in the newspapers about children banned from playing conkers unless they wear goggles or flying paper aeroplanes because they’ve been deemed too dangerous…

Games Console – How Much Time is Safe?

There has been a great debate recently about how much time is safe for children to spend at game consoles and playing video games. However, like many other aspects of…

How Useful are Children’s Search Engines?

For homework and home entertainment, recipes and reviews, music and messages, children seem to use the Internet more every day. Unfortunately, the are many pages that are Inappropriate For A…

Tracking Your Children Online

These days kids think being online is a right, not a privilege. It’s how they play games, download music, and communicate with their friends. But however sophisticated your children think…

Control Keys

Here are examples of the control keys on PtS Content and what they represent. Ctrl P – paragraph Ctrl B – Line break Ctrl W – Bold Ctrl Q –…