Science Project Ideas

Keeping Warm or Cold: Insulation and Conduction

Heat travels through solids by conduction (see also ‘Detecting Fake Silver: Conductivity of Metal’). Insulation can keep things warm and keep things cool by reducing heat transfer through conduction. Insulation…

Vibrations: Seeing and Feeling Sound

Sounds are created from vibrations, whether it’s a tuning fork, the reed of a musical instrument, or sound coming from someone’s voice box. The vibrations make the air molecules move…

Acids and Alkalis: Which Are Which?

The pH scale is a scale of numbers that describes how acid or alkaline (another word for alkaline is ‘basic’) something is. A pH indicator is a liquid or paper…

Surface Tension: Keeping Bubbles Round and Insects Up

Water molecules at the surface of a glass of water are more strongly attracted to each other than to water molecules in the rest of the water. This creates a…

Making Polymers: Cornflour Slime and Silly Putty

Polymers are made of long molecules like chains that stick to each other (cross-link). Natural polymers include hair, wool and cellulose (in plants). Plastic is a synthetic polymer. ‘Silly Putty’…

Warm and Cold: Heavy Water

Hot water has more energy than cold water. This makes the water molecules move around more. Molecules that move more take up more space, but still weigh the same, so…

Making an Emulsion

Oil and water are described as immiscible liquids – liquids that do stay mixed together (see ‘Why Oil and Water Don’t Mix’). Even if oil and water are thoroughly shaken…

Warm and Cold: Expanding Air

As air gets warm, the air molecules have more energy and move around more, taking up more space. As the warm air expands, it becomes less dense (see ‘Floating and…

Make a Soda Fountain

Drinks are fizzy because they have carbon dioxide in them – the gas is forced into the drink at low temperatures and dissolves. Homemade fizzy drinks can be made using…