Does Infant Gaviscon Cause Constipation?

  • By: The DIG for Kids
  • Time to read: 5 min.
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Read this article to learn whether Gaviscon causes constipation in infants and how to give your infant Gaviscon correctly.

One of the side effects of Gaviscon in infants is constipation or diarrhoea. While this is a known side effect, it is rare or has an unknown frequency. Some infants have diarrhoea when taking Gaviscon, doesn’t mean that all babies given the medicine will experience it. However, it is good to know about any kind of side effects to prepare for them. 

Disclaimer – Please seek medical advise if you have any worries or concerns regarding your childs health.

If you’re worried about some of these side effects that will come from using Gaviscon with your infant, be sure that you are reading a label on the packaging and talking to your doctor or pharmacist. They’ll be able to give you more information about what you can expect from using Gaviscon so that you don’t panic when some of the side effects show up. 

Some side effects can also pop up if your infant is already taking other medications. This is why you need to talk to their doctor to know which medicines your infant can take with Gaviscon and how they might react to each other. You may have to introduce Gaviscon to see how your baby responds slowly.

Does Infant Gaviscon Cause Constipation?

Gaviscon can cause constipation and diarrhea in infants, but it may not be as frequent as you think. Most side effects don’t come up with medications, and even constipation itself will be a minor symptom. It may not be the most enjoyable time for your infant, but given the potential positives of using Gaviscon, it may be worth putting up with a few minor side effects. 

Before giving Gaviscon to your baby, ensure that you are talking to your doctor or pharmacist about the potential side effects, including but not limited to constipation. Knowing what the side effects could give you peace of mind when your baby starts to have symptoms you aren’t expecting. You can also help you understand what is and is not normal.

Some of the other side effects that infants have when taking Gaviscon are bloating the stomach and hypersensitivity reactions. When you first start to give Gaviscon to your baby, try to keep an eye out for anything that fits outside of the norm and take note of it. It may be essential to give those notes to your doctor if anything seems out of the norm.

Do You Give an Infant Gaviscon with Each Feed?

For breastfeeding infants, give them Gaviscon partway through each feeding or meal, either using a spoon or feeding bottle. Give your infant Gaviscon at the end of each meal using a spoon or a feeding bottle for any other type of feeding. However, your infant should not be given Gaviscon more than six times within any 24 hour period. 

The label and other documentation that comes with the Gaviscon should give you a clear idea of what kind of frequency you should be giving it to your child. Also, ensure that you are talking to your baby’s doctor or a pharmacist so that you can get a clear idea of what is a safe amount to use. You may want to use less to start. 

If you’re unsure about how your infant will react to Gaviscon putting it into their diet, then you may want to start slowly with only using it a couple of times. Of course, you should speak to your doctor about how best to go about using Gaviscon. It may be that your child won’t benefit as much from using Gaviscon with every meal.

If your baby’s symptoms don’t improve after giving them Gaviscon, then you should talk to your doctor about alternative Solutions. You shouldn’t be using Gaviscon for longer than seven days without reviewing your infant’s health with a doctor. 

Can You Give Gaviscon to an Infant with Other Medication?

Before introducing Gaviscon to your infant’s medications, always talk to your doctor or pharmacist if they’re taking other medicines. They will have a better idea of the reaction to mixing Gaviscon with other medications. However, it’s fine to use it with over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen so long as it is an appropriate drug for your child to take, like infant Advil. 

You mustn’t use Gaviscon as a thickening agent or in your infant’s milk preparations that contain a thickening agent. Mixing Gaviscon with a thickening agent could result in over-thickening of the stomach contents. Other cautions may be given to you once you sit down to talk to your doctor about what you shouldn’t be mixing with Gaviscon. 

If your infant has experienced allergies of some kind before then, you may want to talk to your doctor about whether Gaviscon is something you should try out. If you find that Gaviscon irritates any of these allergic reactions, then you should stop and seek medical advice. If your child is taking other medications, then you may need to experiment with the dose of Gaviscon.

You should not be giving Gaviscon to infants that:

  • Infants that have blockages in the gut
  • Infants that have diarrhea or gastroenteritis
  • Infants that could become dehydrated, such as having a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Infants that have any kind of kidney problems
  • Infants that have a low sodium diet because Gaviscon contains sodium and will raise the amount of sodium in the child’s blood.
  • Premature infants
  • Infants that are under the age of one year unless a doctor has advised you
  • Children over the age of 2 years old

You should also check the ingredients and Gaviscon to ensure that your child doesn’t have any kind of allergic reactions to them. It may also be that you don’t find out if they have an allergic reaction to it until you’ve given them Gaviscon, so ensure that you are keeping a close eye on any kind of symptoms your infant is having.


Gaviscon can cause diarrhea end constipation in your infant, but it will only be a minor symptom, and it shouldn’t cause any serious issues with your child’s bowel movements. Ensure that you are talking to your child’s doctor before introducing Gaviscon to them, and ensure that you are educated on potential side effects so that you know when something is a minor symptom and when it isn’t.