Growing Stalactites and Stalagmites

Stalactites and stalagmites are formations of rock in underground caves. They are formed when calcium carbonate and other minerals dissolve in water running through the soil and rocks. As the…

Making a Sundial

Before watches and clocks were invented, people used the position of the sun in the sky to guess the time of day, but this couldn’t be very accurate. The next…

Seeing Ultraviolet Light: Tonic Water in Sunlight

Ultraviolet (UV) light is an invisible part of light. It has a shorter wavelength than violet light (see ‘Making a Rainbow: Breaking Light Into Colour’), and its name means ‘beyond…

Encouraging Kids Who Don’t Like Science

Some children take to science likes ducks to water, but others seem to just decide that they ‘don’t like science’, which might be because they are scared off by the…

The Science of Making Cheese

Cheese is made from milk. This is most often cows’ milk, but it can be made from milk from sheep, buffaloes and goats – even yaks. It can be soft…

A Bending Bone

Unless it is something that has a soft and wobbly structure, like a jellyfish, all animals, including humans, have a stiff skeleton to support their muscles and other body tissues,…

Make a Vacuum Cleaner

Originally, carpets and rugs were cleaned by lifting them, taking them outside, hanging them over a line and beating them with a carpet beater (a very dusty job), or by…

Making Hot Ice

Water solidifies or turns to ice at zero degrees centigrade. This experiment makes something that looks just like ice but forms at room temperature and gives off heat. The experiment…

The Physics of Bubbles

Whether they are in a bubble bath or drifting on the wind, bubbles are beautiful and fun things. Try making your own to examine the amazing properties of the simple…