Music and Heart Rate

Many people find music helps them relax, whereas other people listen to music because it makes them excited, helps them run or exercise, or inspires them to write or paint….

Do Memory Techniques Work?

Sometimes it seems that there are so many things to remember, especially when it’s coming close to exams, and it would be great to have something that helps. What memory…

Getting Girls Interested in Science

Traditionally, science – particularly chemistry and physics, as well as maths, computing and technology – has been a male-dominated area. Girls may not be interested in science as a study…

Condensation and Dew

Condensation, on the inside of the kitchen window on a chilly morning or on a cold glass of water, and dew on the grass on a cool autumn evening, is…

Desalination of Water

Desalination means taking the salt out of salty water (from lakes or the sea) to make fresh, drinkable water. How Does Desalination Work? The two main ways to remove the…

Growing Plants Without Soil

Growing plants without soil is known as hydroponics. Plants can be grown in many different growing mediums, such as, gravel, sand, perlite, vermiculite, rockwool, clay pellets, bark or coconut fibre,…

What’s in a Seed?

Seeds contain the potential to be a whole new plant, and just need a bit of water, care and attention, as well as a bit of time, to grow. Seeds…

Growing Plants in Different Soils

Like animals and humans, plants need water, air and food to grow. They get all of these from their growing medium – the compost or soil that they grow in….

Seeds: Wet and Dry

Plants grown from seeds, from the smallest (an orchid, at 85 micrometers long) to the largest (the Coco de Mer palm, at about 30 cm long). Seeds are amazing things…