Food Crafts

Scrumptious Chocolate Crafts for Kids

Children love chocolate, so why not turn it into the starting point for some delicious and fun craft activities for kids? Use chocolate as a tempting bait to lure children…

Disgusting Food for Halloween

Halloween is becoming more and more popular every year. Why not complete a fun day by helping kids to prepare and dish up some truly disgusting food? With some simple…

Make Cupcakes With Kids

Cupcakes are enjoying widespread popularity at the moment, they are great fun to make, decorate and eat, as well as appealing to a whole range of ages. Baking and decorating…

Unusual Food Crafts for Kids

Kids crafts using food helps children to think laterally. Food craft is all about taking items that are traditionally used for one purpose and turning them into something quite different…

Crafts with Pasta and Rice for Kids

Kids are always told not to play with their food. Happily, some rules are made to be broken. There are many craft ideas to try using pasta and rice and…

Egg Crafts for Kids

They say if you have a carton of eggs, you have a good meal. If you have a carton of eggs, you also have the basis of a variety of…

Growing Crafts for Kids

Few things in life are as satisfying as watching things grow. The craft of growing is often the first experience children will have of combining craft projects with simple science…

Food Printing Crafts With Kids

Food has many fabulous shapes and patterns for innovative crafts for kids. Nature provides the best designs with many fruits and vegetables to try. Pasta is another good example. It’s…

How to Make Models with Food

Making models with food seems like an irreverent thing to do. However, it’s a very worthwhile activity. It’s fun and takes children into the kitchen to learn some valuable crafts…