Help Find Missing Children

  • By: Beth Morrisey
  • Time to read: 3 min.

Whether you’ve been personally involved in a missing child case or have simply watched a horrible drama unfold on the news, it is likely that you have felt helpless and frustrated that there isn’t more you could do to help. While it would be unrealistic to think that you could single-handedly track down and return every missing child that you hear about, there are ways that you can get involved to help find them.

From fundraising for missing children’s resources, hanging posters when new missing children’s cases come to light or campaigning for new missing children initiatives, there is a lot you can do to help find missing children in the UK.

Fundraising for Missing Children’s Resources

It would be wonderful if the UK had all of the money and resources it needs to track down and return every missing child, but the sad truth is that the government and local emergency services are often over-stretched, and can only devote a fraction of their skills to searching for Missing Children.

To cover these gaps a variety of missing children’s resources have sprung up, such as the National Missing Persons Helpline, the UK Missing Children Website and PACT (Parents and Abducted Children Together). Unfortunately these organisations also often lack funds for everything that they would like to do, so voluntary efforts and fundraising is vital to keeping missing children’s resources afloat. You help their fundraising efforts by:

  • Participating in a sponsored walk or road race.
  • Organising a coffee morning in your neighbourhood or child’s school.
  • Creating an annual raffle in your neighbourhood and donating the proceeds.
  • Approaching corporate entities to match your family’s/church’s/school’s efforts.
  • Requesting that your friends and family donate skills (writing, web design, etc.) to missing children’s organisations.
  • Calling a missing children’s charity and ask how you can help them.

Hang Posters for Missing Children

When a child goes missing, very often the family and friends will supply police and media outlets with pictures of the little boy or girl in the hopes that someone will recognise the child and report the sighting. The UK Missing Children Website, for example, not only posts these pictures but provides instructions on printing the picture in landscape format to generate a poster.

If you are feeling restless about a particular case and would like to do what you can to assist, find out if you can help the friends or relatives of the missing child, or indeed even the police search, by making, printing or hanging posters. Even something as simple as collecting posters from a printer and organising them into geographic groups can be incredibly helpful in a missing child investigation.

Campaign for Missing Children Initiatives

While the legislation regarding child abduction in the UK is solid, there is still much you can do to campaign for new missing children initiatives. The UK Missing Children website began, and still runs, as a partnership between the police, UK charities and the private sector. The Child Rescue Alert has also been rolled out as an initiative to alert more UK residents about children who have recently gone missing.

If you are passionate about helping find missing children, then contact your local authorities and existing missing children resources to find out what they have planned and how you can be of assistance.

Helping find missing children is something that anyone can do from anywhere at almost any time. Don’t let excuses stop you – help find missing children today.

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