Safe Kids

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Go green, get fit and learn about nature as a conservation helper. Whether in a city, a town or a village develop new skills while helping to preserve the environment….

Hearing Problems in Children

Children who have difficulty hearing can be at a distinct disadvantage, developmentally, from their peers. For this reason, it is important to get a diagnosis on any suspected hearing loss…

Charting Children’s Growth

Although each child is different, it can be reassuring for parents to know that their children are growing and developing at a normal rate. Paediatricians often track a child’s growth…

Transitioning to Cow’s Milk

For a baby’s first year, breast milk or commercially prepared baby formula that is used in bottle feeding is the primary source of nutrition. Most babies begin Eating Solid Food…

Finding a Babysitter You Can Trust

As much as we love our kids, all parents need an occasional break. Remember candlelit dinners, romantic walks, and talking late into the night? Just because you have kids doesn’t…

Digital Baby Monitors: Are they Safe?

Children may be more vulnerable from exposure to any form of electro magnetic energy, such as that generated by mobile telephones and to a degree baby monitors. This is because…

PKU What You Should Know

Phenylketonuria, also know as Folling’s Disease or more commonly PKU, is an inherited, metabolic disorder characterized by the body’s inability to produce a sufficient amount of the enzyme responsible for…

Dyspraxia in Children

Dyspraxia is a neurological condition that impairs movement. As it relates directly to a child’s motor skills, children who experience dyspraxia (or development coordination disorder as it is also known)…

Choosing a Child or Baby Safety Gate

Safety gates are designed to prevent your child falling down the stairs and to stop them having access to selected areas of the home. In general, they range in size…