Safe Kids

Minerals for a Healthy Diet

Minerals are vital components of food. Choosing a diet rich in nutrients requires a basic knowledge of minerals and their functions in the body. Since many children are picky eaters,…

Kite Flying Safety

When you think back on some of the simple pleasures of childhood, what comes to mind? For many of us, it’s bike rides, ice cream cones, nature hikes, and flying…

All About Bed Wetting

Much to the dismay of kids everywhere, bedwetting is commonplace. Also known as nocturnal enuresis, bedwetting is described as the involuntary passing of urine during sleep. While most kids are…

Vitamin Facts For Children

Nutrition experts will tell you that a well chosen diet filled with a variety of nutrient rich foods is the best way to meet your child’s nutritional requirements. That being…

Vitamin D And Sun Exposure

For decades, we’ve been warned about the dangers of sun exposure. Most of us diligently apply sunscreen before heading outdoors, confident that we are protecting ourselves and our children’s delicate…

Smoke Detectors and Fire Safety

If you have a smoke detector alarm in your house but have taken the batteries out because the toaster kept setting it off then consider this: you’re twice as likely…

Road Safety for Child Pedestrians

When our children are being warned about the dangers of little exercise and poor diet, it is natural to get them into walking or cycling to school or just out…

Medicines, Toiletries and Children

Your bathroom may be a picture of bathing bliss where you can hide away for a relaxing bath when the kids are in bed, but have you thought about whether…

Falls in the Home and Garden

You have to put yourself back into a child’s mind to understand what hazards there might be in your home for falling. A small step out onto a patio for…