Safe Kids

DIY Safety With Children

DIY may seem like a jolly hobby to most people, but it really isn’t something to do unless you have a certain amount of knowledge, experience and safety awareness. Every…

Smoke Detectors and Fire Safety

If you have a smoke detector alarm in your house but have taken the batteries out because the toaster kept setting it off then consider this: you’re twice as likely…

Road Safety for Child Pedestrians

When our children are being warned about the dangers of little exercise and poor diet, it is natural to get them into walking or cycling to school or just out…

Medicines, Toiletries and Children

Your bathroom may be a picture of bathing bliss where you can hide away for a relaxing bath when the kids are in bed, but have you thought about whether…

Falls in the Home and Garden

You have to put yourself back into a child’s mind to understand what hazards there might be in your home for falling. A small step out onto a patio for…

Can Mobile Phones Harm Children?

There are currently over 60 million mobile phones being used in the UK and they continue to increase in popularity, as new features become available. Just as you struggle to…

Toilets, Potties, Germs and Children

Children like nothing better than splashing about in a bit of water, even if it is in a toilet, or bringing the potty to you to show you what they’ve…

Keeping Children Safe at Parties at Home

Children’s parties at home can be frenetic and stressful, especially as you are no longer just responsible for your child – you are also temporarily responsible for the safety and…

Hazardous Cleaning Products

If I said to you “name something which produces these symptoms” and then said “Lung and skin irritant. If mixed with chorine, releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to chloramine…